…finding the fuel
Ecosystems of grantees are untapped engines of innovation, and those that shape grant strategies are the ones that can provide them the fuel.
Upstream’s passion is to help philanthropic leaders that embrace this perspective, and uncover new ways to achieve the potential of innovation.
Regardless of title, leaders that have authority to effect the wider allocation of grants have a tremendous opportunity to increase the innovation within their area of impact. That’s because they have the unique ability to not only shape grant allocations, but to reframe the mindsets that truly shape cultures of innovation across their ecosystem.
Moving from a mindset of allocating to a mindset of innovating
Moving from a mindset of siloed organizational perspectives to a mindset of shared holistic perspectives
Moving from a mindset of funding ideas to a mindset of funding a process
Moving from a mindset of planning to a mindset of iterating
We support the notion that every organization is unique. So the application of our work always looks different. But the principles are always the same - a drive to doing bigger and better things, a commitment to seeing the issues through the eyes of those experiencing it and a holistic perspective that seeks root causes instead of symptoms.
These same principles have been put into action with other great leaders that share this desire for innovation.
Working with The George Foundation on a cross-agency, community-led initiative to reimagine the system of rental assistance
Working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on seeing the issue of HIV Prevention through the eyes of adolescent girls and young women and co-creating solutions with them
Working with the Livestrong Foundation on developing a model for Patient Centered Cancer Care that guided the foundation’s strategic priorities and aligned community partners to the right challenges to solve in the community
If you’d like to chat about how we’ve helped other leaders in this role, let’s find time to connect: melissa@upstreamthinking.com