Corporate Innovation & Crisis: A webinar to help you lead through unexpected change

Innovation is a cycle of change fueled by learning through failure, which is uncomfortable for large organizations with sound operational practices. As we recently experienced with the coronavirus pandemic and the Great Recession of 2008, when the world is faced with sudden moments of change organizations can feel paralyzed; it's like a jolt that stops industry and redirects the attention of customers elsewhere. This is what we call a "Forced Innovation Cycle"; an unexpected shift in customer engagement and business process due to an uncontrollable outside event.

This webinar shares more than 50 years of experience supporting organizations as they successfully navigate unexpected change. Through our experience we have defined best practices to help business leaders focus their teams on change management and strategies, products, and services that will respond to new needs of their customers,  helping them achieve long term success.

Join Mike Millard, Managing Director at MassChallenge Texas and Jeff Mulhausen, Founding Partner at Upstream Thinking in this 30 minute video:

If you have questions, please reach out below!


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